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Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.13

Advanced Uninstaller PRO Editor's Review

Advanced Uninstaller Pro is a powerful suite of system utilities including a state of the art programs uninstaller tool, Start Menu tools, browser and system registry tools.

The tools are beautifully structured into five categories: 'General Tools', 'File & Folder Tools', 'Internet Browser Tools', 'Registry Tools', 'Reports & Info'. The categories are displayed as buttons on the left hand side of the program window; on the right hand side of the program window you can also find the tools of each category. This thing makes the program extremely easy to use.

In the 'General Tools' category we can find the programs uninstaller tool which allows you also to remove invalid entries, forcefully remove programs and view program properties. The are also included: an installations monitor, a startup manager (customize programs which start with Windows), a font manager, a Control Panel and Windows Services. The nice thing about the 'Windows Services' category is that there are a few profiles from which to choose from (for example: original settings, gaming configuration, safe configuration etc.). You can also find a Service Editor which allows you to start or stop manually any service.

The 'File & Folder Tools' category contains tools which allow you to search duplicate files, a file shredder, a file compression tool and Windows temporary Files cleaner.

The 'Internet Browser Tools' section allows you to have full control over all the Internet Explorer's and Mozilla Firefox settings and components: history, cookies, ActiveX controls, context menus, toolbars, plugins, temporary files, visited Web pages. You can add/remove items as well as enable or disable them.

The 'Registry Tools' section contains three Registry utilities: the Registry Cleaner which checks for errors and invalid entries in the registry and fixes all the detected problems; the registry Optimizer which defragments your registry and improves your computer's overall performance ands prevent registry and file corruption; the registry Backup/Restore is a very useful tool which protects your registry from damage. You can save your registry before making any changes to it. In case something goes wrong, you can restore the backup files and you are off the hook.

I should mention the Tool Scheduler which allows you to perform automated operations by setting the date and time for the program's component to start; The EasyGo Tool Manager helps you create shortcuts for the most used components of the program in order to get a quicker access to them.

Reports containing information about installed programs, services, startup programs, installed fonts and installation logs can be generated in HTML and text format. The interface is very nicely designed and customizable: you can choose between dozens of customizable themes and you can even add a theme of your own, if you want to.

Pluses: Besides all the useful information reported, you can also get extra information about programs by reading forum comments posted by other users on the program producer's forum (open in a new IE window). If you want to add rating or comments, the inbuilt wizard will guide you through all the steps of creating a new account on the producer's website.

Drawbacks / flaws:

In conclusion: A highly reliable system utilities suite. Stable, very easy to use, fast and offering very good results.

version reviewed: 9.6

What's Required in Version 11.13 of Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Minimum 128 MB RAM, 80 MB free disk space

What's New in Version 11.13 of Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Advanced Uninstaller PRO got even better! Improved uninstaller clean-up. Full support for Windows 7 and Windows 8 beta. Major Advanced Uninstaller PRO user interface redesign. New tools for cleaning up web browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox.

Look for Similar Items by Category

System Utilities > Uninstallers
This product is also listed in: File Managers, HardDisk Tools


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